- Slaize sucks dick and is the gayest, weakest, most pathetic unskilled poser faggot to play SWBF. - Slaize lost dozens of duels against anyone, yet claims he is the world champion lol. - Begged for hours to help stage fake kills in the server rather than train for his shitty videos that suck more than any other video in the game. - Slaize is the only troll hostile enough to get banned from all servers. - This also makes Slaize the only poser to ever get PermaBanned from my servers - Slaize started drama and arguments everywhere including servers with just about every player in the game he is jealous of. - He craves attention and recognition more than anything and will stoop as low as possible to prove he is the most hostile troll in SWBF2. - Is an obsessed, delusional online predator and stalker with no life. - Went on a server crashing rampage while impersonating various players. - He is totally ungrateful, spiteful, and childish. - Is the only poser who failed to gain skill from each funwar played. - Cried and trolled anyone he was losing to in a funwar, often left server to reset score and avoid a negative KDR at the end. - Brags like a poser pretending he is better than everyone else, yet he always loses to lots of clans in fws. - Acts like hes better than everyone but is too scared to prove it. - Took everything ever given to him for granted like a poser faggot. - Tried to frame and impersonate several members. - Claimed "swbf sucks cock" just because he is a dumb faggot desperate to start shit, and threw a massive temper tantrum when called out for being a loser. - Got arrested in real life for assaulting someone with a dangerous weapon, resisting arrest, and driving under the influence like a faggot. - All his family is drug addicts locked up in Jail, his brother, cousin, father, and uncles are all in prison now. - Is heavily addicted to pills and antidepressants to cope with the PTSD he suffers from having to had his dog put down. - Name in real life is "Silas" and can be found on Germany Arrests websites for numerous crimes. - Is the most hostile, jealous, ungrateful, disgraced faggot to ever waste oxygen and the biggest troll in the history of SWBF1 by far. - Is undoubtedly the most mentally disturbed, abnormal, psychotic criminal to ever disgrace the SWBF community. - Biggest poser wannabe pro gamer in the history of online gaming. - In 2014 had heavily betrayed UEF in a way never before seen (Being in like all clans besides talking trash about us) - Obsessed with his fake shitty videos. Tried to kill SWBF several times and boot random players, often impersonated me and other UEF guys he was jealous of.